Our vegetables are good and organic
Since 1996, our farm has been 100% organic! Over the years, we have acquired land and we converted it to organic. This transition from conventional to organic production methods lasts 3 years. The soils have been analyzed and controlled by Ecocert, our certifying body.
Every year, Ecocert controls (sometimes unannounced) to check that we are complying with the rules.
We are part of the Breton producer cooperative Biobreizh. It is a specification even stricter than the European biological specification.
Some highlights:
Respect for the seasonality of vegetables
No heating in the greenhouses.
Reduction of the authorized dose of copper per hectare
5 kg instead of 6.
NO use of CMS varieties
NO ferti-irrigation
That is to say, do not put fertilizer in the water used to irrigate the plants.
Contact Us
If you need to know more about our certificates.
Other certificates
One certification to prove to you that we are the best, that’s not enough, is it?
HACCP certificate
HACCP is one of the certificate bases we have. It guarantees the control of each stage of production and allows us to achieve IFS certification by 2024.
Global GAP Repository
Global Gap is a world-renowned reference allowing to connect the actors of the European Union and the export actors. This certification optimizes food safety and traceability in order to guarantee total transparency.
Today, lamb’s lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and new potatoes from the greenhouse are certified. 90% of our field vegetables are guaranteed Global Gap. Each year, we add productions to our certificate.